

Coven is a cooperative multi-art collective that exists because we have some BIG visions about how to help ourselves and other creatives move forward in the industry. 

What DOESN'T work: making loads of art / performance / music that isn't seen or experienced again after a showcase and hoping to sell a few pieces or get programmed by a big space or plucked by a big collector. It's a broken system and it SUCKS. 

What we believe CAN work: Coming together collectively to re-think it all. AKA:

  •  Making money: new models of events and festivals, very cool limited edition merch, new models of selling work, etc
  • Making MORE work: by supporting each other with grant writing and fundraising, paying each other to support with specialist skills on projects, peer to peer learning, group commissioning events and parties
  • Re-distribute the eyeballs of audiences and institutions: through SHARED resources, events, audience data, advocacy databases, and other methods that lifts us all up individually and collectively 


  • By launching a limited edition merch and art store for artists & creatives (think AR art prints for sculpture, high quality tees and sweaters, actual art objects n MORE where artists get ALL the profit)
  • Multiple annual exhibitions, festivals, n parties with ACTUAL cash commissions and fees for artists & creatives + money for real marketing & PR
  • Peer to peer events n hangs where we learn from each other, collaborate on new work, have pints, and grow community and friendships!!

And seriously so so so much more.


Coven was co-founded by longtime multi-art producer Natalie V Hall & sculptor / artist / technician Thomas Witherick.

BUT, we're not the leaders. Coven is a cooperative. We're starting the charge but YOUR ideas, vision, and decisions will guide us all, collectively, where we need to go.


Find out about upcoming parties, workshops, exhibitions, & commission opportunities

Built With Norby